How to remove gum from shoes without ruining them


Finding gum on the underside of a shoe, whether it’s your new heels or your child’s sneakers, is such a rite of passage. Somehow it will inevitably happen and you, our hero, will be responsible for extracting said substance. Dust off your cape, it’s time to take a spin on your sleeve.

How, you might ask, are you supposed to handle this crisis? Good news, the world of DIY remedies is vast. And with the right scientific application, you can loosen stubborn gum tissue. From lubricants to indiscreet methods, favorite foods to beauty products, each has proven to be effective. That said, depending on the degree of adhesion of the gum tissue, you may need to use one, two, or all of the items below to resolve the gum tissue incident.

To prepare, plan to work your gum tissue by releasing magic outside. You might also want to search your neighborhood for a good stick or invest in a pair of plastic gloves to avoid touching the yucky stuff. And why not involve your child too? Walking in gum can actually turn into a great science lesson and afternoon activity if you treat it right.

If you get stuck, keep Googling. Or, you know, buy new shoes.

Gum Removal Tips From A Shoe Expert

At the Leather Spa in New York City, Vice President David Mesquita has seen it all when it comes to shoe damage. But he says when it comes to removing gum from a shoe, the easiest removal solution is often the best: a little soap and water.

“For my kids’ sneakers, I prefer dish soap,” he says. Work with soap and water and around the gum line and in all likelihood the gum will come loose and peel right away. For, well, stickier situations, Mesquita says acetone, say in nail polish remover, will do. Having said that, you should use it sparingly.

“Put it on a cotton swab,” Mesquita says. And avoid using acetone products on leather shoes. “It can interfere with the tanning process. A little nail polish can remove the color from the leather, ”he says.

And Goo Be Gone? For children’s sneakers, Mesquita says this is fine, but again, this should be avoided on leather shoes where it can cause discoloration.

Instead, those dealing with a gummed sole should consider the following:

Ice as a remedy for removing gums

The concept around using ice to remove gum from a shoe is that freezing the gum will cause it to shrink and release its sticky connection to the shoes. Putting your shoe in a plastic bag in the freezer for a few hours is the best method, but if you are short on time you can also rub an ice cube on the gum for up to 20 minutes to cool it enough to get it to let go of its grip.

Nancybelle Gonzaga Villarroya / Moment / Getty Images

Peanut butter can be used to remove gum from a shoe

Hey tough times call for tough measures and if you find yourself battling a gum shoe but don’t have soap and water on hand, grab your Skippy and go to town. The oil in peanut butter can help lubricate the surface of a shoe and ultimately release the gum. It will also make you feel like a walking PBJ, so use it sparingly.

Wipe off the chewing gum with olive oil

Another home remedy that can remove gum from a shoe? Olive oil. Chances are, you already have a decanter in your pantry. Now put a line on a tea towel and rub it all around the gum of the shoe. Let it sit for a minute to soften the gum and voila, watch it come off easily.

The Ultimate Gum Removal Method: WD-40

For those really impossible gum scenarios, where the stuff really doesn’t want to give, you can go the automotive route and give the WD-40 a try. This super lubricant, more often used to prevent rust and dirt, can also displace gum. Simply spray a little on the chewed swab, wait a minute, then wipe off with a cool cloth.

What if none of the above work? Visit your local shoe repair store or check out Leather Spa. Mesquita says its courier option allows you to ship leather goods from anywhere in the world for repairs.


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