Keswick beauty salon rebounds after ‘horrific’ lockdown


A KESWICK woman celebrates the continued success of her store, which has been sold out since April.

Beauty salon Hailo has been carried away by its feet since it reopened after the lockdown restrictions were eased.

Salon owner Hailey McRitchie was thrilled to see so many clients – old and new – visiting her business as soon as its doors reopened.

She said, “It’s amazing! We have many more new customers, and all of our old customers have come back as well. It feels a lot more relaxed now that the restrictions aren’t that bad.

“We’ve been full since reopening and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down any time soon, which is really good.”

Since returning to an almost ordinary lifestyle, Hailey’s salon has received a lot of positive customer reviews and with the help of stylists Joanna and Jessica, Hailey has pre-bookings in October and weddings planned for. next year.

“I feel very lucky,” she said. “Even if it’s not just our company that has benefited in recent months. The city has been very busy recently with vacationers and staycationers. And they provide a useful boost.

“If you had told me it was going to be like this after confinement, I wouldn’t have believed you.” ”

Hailey has run her business for five years and the pandemic has posed a real threat to her business.

She said: “In confinement it was awful. I saw everything I had worked hard for – over the past five years – go for it. And it was such a horrible year that being able to change to who I am now is completely different.

“Every day is a positive day.”

Although Hailey’s business received government grants to keep itself afloat, it didn’t help the mental health aspect of the virus and the uncertainty and doubt that resulted.

“I thought it would take years to be able to bounce back again but we really had to push – all three of us – to get through the tough times and it took us a few months but we’re so happy to be back at it. . ”

Since reopening, Hailey has installed all manner of health and safety equipment for use by its customers, with built-in disinfectant and paper towel dispensers.

Hailey said, “The pandemic is more profitable. However, the amount of stuff we need to throw has doubled, but that’s what we need to do to keep everyone safe.

“I am so grateful to Jess and Joanna because they have worked so hard and we have been friends for years and thank you to my clients. I wouldn’t be here without you.


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