For non-binary people, it is difficult to enjoy beauty and makeup

Jack Olivier, a recent competitor on BBC Three’s Shine (and one of the first openly non-binary participants to use them / them pronouns), explains that even in 2021, the beauty industry is still primarily targeting a gender group. “Much of the industry is directed towards one audience,” says Oliver, raising an important point: All non-binary people are tired of the question, “But you don’t. see non-binary? ”Likewise, Lauren says they’re not completely androgynous, but that’s what some people tend to believe about being non-binary. [that you’re non-binary] immediately, “says Lauren. For them, that translates into experimentation with beauty and trying to get the” right “look. winning. Even when I had blue hair last year, there was never had a question in people’s minds. We have to get beyond the idea of ​​”I see, therefore I know the answer” [in regard to someone’s gender]. I’d rather have someone ask than say, “Oh, you have pink hair and breasts, and you wear eyeliner, so you’re obviously a woman.” Genetically, yes, but that’s not my identity. I think that’s what people need to separate. “


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